Client Orientation

Dear Valued Client,

This page is to help you understand what will happen during your manual therapy sessions.  It also covers preparation, so you'll be ready to receive the work to your best advantage.


Scheduling -- If you must ever cancel, reschedule, or be late, please call me 24 hours or more in advance to let me know about changes.  Unless you notify me by phone at least 24 hours in advance, you incur an obligation to pay the full fee for any session you schedule.  Email may not reach me in time, so please call or text me.

General Information -- There's a page on this web site called "Learn More (FAQ)" where I've posted answers to the questions new clients most often ask.  Please read the brief intro and also click through to the extended answers.  I urge you to take the time to read through all these.  Then you can arrive at my office fully informed about what your Manual Therapy is all about. 


History -- At the beginning of your first session, I'll spend a few minutes taking your history so I can be fully aware of your health status and structure.  This is supplemental to your Confidential Health Questionnaire and it reinforces the same advantages.

Clothing -- What you wear during your session matters.  Please be sure to read the FAQ about this HERE which covers your garb in detail. Then either wear or bring appropriate clothes.  If you fail in this I will try to have something here to improvise with but I can't guarantee I'll be able to cover all clients.  Missing your session due to wrong clothing issues is treated the same as a no-show.

Assessments -- The work we'll do has a long term effect on your body structure.  I need to read you structurally to understand what to do and also to see the work happening.  Then I can tailor sessions to your individual needs and give you the best manual therapy possible.  So during each session, I will ask you to stand to let me observe you from various aspects.  I may also request you to walk or move in various ways.  Forming a strategy is an important part of the work.  Then we'll go to the table where you will lie down or sit as I work with you.

During the sessions, I may get you up from time to time to observe.  This is a normal part of how Rolfing® work and Manual Therapy differ from other forms such as relaxation massage.  Another benefit of the standing and movement is how it helps you understand what is happening during your sessions.

How We Work -- I work with you by touching you with my hands and forearms.  The quality of this touch is a strong, connected feeling, but it never needs to be painful.  We'll coordinate to assure your comfort.  You remain in control at all times.  Please read the FAQs HERE for a more thorough discussion of this topic.  Also, I may use my custom mixture of natural coconut oil and beeswax to achieve a controlled traction that greatly facilitates myofascial release, which is key to how your structure is enhanced.

Session Length -- Most sessions last about an hour.  Sometimes we may agree to go longer depending on what needs to be done and our respective schedules.

Thanks for taking responsibility for partnering with me to assure you receive the best manual Therapy and Rolfing® sessions possible.

Thank you for working with me!     

-- Misha Noonan

Certified Advanced Rolfer and Osteopathic Manual Therapist