Benefits of Manual Therapy

Structural Integration is based on a deep understanding of you as a whole person. . .

. . . .who may be viewed from different perspectives (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.) The following benefits manifest in one aspect and they extend throughout your whole being, to become realized throughout your experience. 

Relief from Chronic Pain

Aftermath of vehicle accidents
Whiplash injury
Neck pain and restricted movement
Chronic back pain
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
Joint pain or arthritis
Migraine or headaches
Restricted breathing
Aftermath of trauma or surgery
Plantar fascitis
And many other issues too numerous to list here

Better Structural Alignment

You will occupy space as a better-organized body, requiring less effort to resist the stresses of life. People instinctively interpret this as a more functional and aesthetically pleasing shape called 'excellent posture.' 

Better Movement

Greater flexibility, increased range of motion, less internal resistance, more speed, strength, and coordination, and less fatigue. These all add up to significant improvements in sports performance and greater physical achievement in all areas. When your body moves better, the new freedom spreads to your mind and emotions.

Greater Energy

More available action potential and stamina for enhanced performance, in athletics and also throughout life. 

Greater Stress Resistance

You simply adapt better and more quickly to unrelenting demands of modern life. 

Enhanced Sense Of Well-Being

You gain physical lightness, ease, fluidity, strength, agility, poise, and grace. When these manifest in your body they also permeate your mental and emotional states and express in your behavior.

Improved Circulation

Your fascia (connective tissues) are released and lengthened. Increased permeability enables better movement of blood and lymph throughout your body. 

Surgery Avoidance

A program of Rolfing Structural Integration and Osteopathic Manual Therapy may become an alternative, but not a replacement, for certain surgeries. 

Delayed Effects of Aging

Some have called Structural Integration (or Rolfing) "the real fountain of youth." You will feel and act younger again. 

Your results form a new evolutionary stage in your lifelong development. You realize more of your inherent potentials, beyond what you might otherwise achieve in your lifetime.