FAQ 9: Can I just try one session?

Yes.  There is no charge for your first session so you can find out what it's like to work with me without financial risk. Then you can decide about continuing based on your own experience.  Just keep in mind one session will probably not accomplish all you really need.  It's better to think in terms of several sessions or a progressive series that can help you enjoy significantly better condition and keep you moving in a positive direction.


The various forms of manual therapy I practice, including Rolfing® Structural Integration, help you optimize your well-being, overcome specific physical issues, and improve performance in all human endeavors.  This work opens the way to a richer, more enjoyable experience of life.

Here are 4 main ways we can work together --

The 'Basic 10 Session Series.'  Dr. Ida Rolf designed this classic approach based on Osteopathic principles.  This series structurally re-integrates your body overall, in a progressive manner the body naturally accepts, starting from your feet and legs.  Once a good foundation is established, then other body areas that need better support can let go.  This comprehensive approach is for people who seek the varied collection of benefits for which Rolfing® Structural Integration has become famous.  See FAQ 1 above and the Benefits Page on this web site for the list.

Advanced Sessions.  After your body has adjusted to receiving a Basic 10 Series, you can pursue specific goals which I help you achieve by working with your body structure and movement.

For example, many successful professional athletes receive Structural Integration regularly to help them achieve incremental gains in their sports.  Race drivers come for better stamina and reflexes.  Runners come for greater speed and endurance.  Golfers become able to drive the ball farther and putt more accurately -- and so on.  Ask me for more specific examples from many clients' experiences in health, athletics, and even business.

Focused remedial manual therapy.  Focused work can relieve some specific issues.  Examples include pain related to a tethered nerve; wrist and hand discomfort and dysfunction that is sometimes diagnosed as 'carpal tunnel syndrome;' chronic pain of many kinds; and many other structurally related issues.  I'm not a doctor and I don't practice medicine.  It so happens that many issues people hope to improve through medical help are rooted in structure of the body or tissues.  These are readily assisted by manual therapies.  Please call for a free evaluation to find out more.

Periodic remedial manual therapy.  Some chronic issues will never disappear but they can be temporarily improved and you can be made more comfortable by manual therapy.  One example is the painful fusion of the spine that is sometimes diagnosed as 'ankylosing spondylitis.'  Another is just a plain old 'bad back.'  If you suffer recurring or continuous pain, ask me if I can help you.

Your best investment of time and money is to receive at least a '10 series' of sessions because that creates a positive momentum toward significant beneficial results.  Also, you should expect to return from time to time for more work -- to maintain your momentum and deal with the inevitable stresses and traumas life brings.