FAQ 3: What do you charge for manual therapy and Rolfing® sessions?

Your initial session is free so you have zero financial risk to get a sense of working with me.  After your first session, I charge by the hour in 15 minute increments with a one hour minimum.  My fee is a fair market rate for my advanced skill level.  It's reasonable and customary within the Structural Integration community.  I prefer to give you a figure verbally.  Please ask me for a current quote . . .


Please be aware Rolfing® work and manual therapy are not commodities.  An hourly rate alone is not a good measure for comparison because skills vary greatly among practitioners according to individual aptitude, training, and experience.  A few dollars more or less is not so important.  What matters most is finding a practitioner whose work you like and who can resolve your specific issues while helping you realize your performance aspirations.

The Rolf Institute has certified me as an Advanced Rolfer.  I earned this status by many weeks of training and many years of experience in private practice, plus being mentored by master practitioners. In addition, I've been studying toward a diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice.  So my work is already enhanced by the deep clinical wisdom of Osteopathy -- which is the foundation Ida Rolf studied to develop her renowned therapeutic innovations.

My charges are typical for my experience and training investment and comparable to many other skilled trades or professional services.  A session costs something like a week's groceries for one person but the benefits last a lifetime.