FAQ 1: How can Rolfing® Structural Integration and other manual therapies help me?

The manual therapies I practice, including Rolfing® Structural Integration, benefit the whole person.  By enhancing your body structure and function, the work improves your general well being, physical and mental performance, and even your consciousness.  As your body is re-tuned and rebalanced, your experience of life is enhanced. . .


At a basic level, I locate and selectively loosen and lengthen areas that have become restricted, shortened, and tight due to various stresses and traumas your body has accumulated.  Specific results of manual therapies vary by person.  However, clients who receive a sufficient amount of this work from skillful practitioners have consistently reported the following effects for decades:

  • Greater physical ease, comfort, balance, flexibility, and grace.
  • Less restricted body movement with faster reflexive responses.
  • Improved physical conformation, which others usually perceive as 'excellent posture.'
  • More physical strength, energy, speed, and stamina, leading to --
  • Improved performance in all athletic areas like yoga, dance, or martial arts
  • Performance gains and fewer injuries in competitive sports
  • Reduced or eliminated chronic pain or physical dysfunction
  • Greater resistance to stress with faster recovery
  • Better disease resistance with less frequent illness
  • Heightened sensory sensitivity
  • Enhanced emotional intelligence
  • More pleasurable sexuality with deeper bonding
  • A calmer state of mind, elevated mood, and improved attitude and outlook
  • Gains in personal growth or spiritual advancement

Intellectual improvements such as sharper focus, deeper concentration, and greater mental  clarity, which lead to:

  • More insightful thought process
  • Enhanced analytic ability
  • Greater creativity
  • Faster and better problem solving

To sum up, by evolving your physical body, the work enhances your whole experience of being human.

I don't diagnose or treat disease or illness.  However, clients often report significant relief from physical complaints like chronic pain when they arise from connective tissue formations, body structure imbalances, or restricted circulation.

If you have a concern not mentioned here, please ask me about it.