Misha Noonan, Certified Advanced Rolfer and Traditional Manual Osteopath

Misha Noonan, Certified Advanced Rolfer and Traditional Manual Osteopath

If you want to improve your health or performance, your body is where to begin

The PERFECT CANDIDATE for Rolfing / Manual Osteopathy HAS TRIED EVERYTHING WITH LITTLE OR NO LASTING RESULTS. Often this person says, “ You are my last stop. If you can’t help me, I don’t know where to turn. Please help me.”

It’s not unusual for this person to have had their condition, which is usually painful, for 5, 10, 20, even 50 years. They’ve had lots of treatment by a myriad of practitioners, yet they still have the same restrictions, limitations, and pain. … And posture … The posture of Pain !

I don’t believe there is anybody whom I can’t significantly help.


65 yo former college gymnast.

After a local Seniors’ Program, Tai Chi for Back Pain, a woman comes up to me, introduces herself as a person with low back pain. Good days the pain level is 5-7 on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is barely noticeable, and 10 is off the chart extreme. Bad days, 6-8. What happened, when ? At age 19, during a gymnastic meet she was executing a complex move on a balance beam, fell, landing squarely on one sitz bone (ischial tuberosity). OUCH ! 46 years ago. In pain ever since. Has seen a myriad of talented practitioners consistantly over the years. No significant improvement. We did a couple quick motion tests right there. Took 5 minutes. One test standing, One test seated. Very clearly, she had an Ilial Upslip. The bone on which she landed, the sitz bone is the bottom part of it, The Ilium is the part of it that articulates with the Sacrum. You may have heard of the S-I Joint. An Ilial Upslip is a type of dislocation of the S-I Joint. She made an appointment. The Normalization of her Ilium took 20 minutes of a firm, yet gentle Direct Glide of her Ilium back down into the Articular Groove of her Sacrum. The Low Back and Sacral ( S-I Joint) Pain dropped to almost zero immediately, even though the Ilium had been dislocated for 46 years. Hers was a common outcome.

50 yo Alaska Commercial Fisherman.

My granddaughter, a LMP Massage Therapist, asked me to help her out on a particularly tough case. Fisherman John had been having severe Low Back and Sacral Pain for 3 years. To be able to captain his fishing boat in Alaska’s Bristol Bay, John had needed cortisone injections into his S-I Joint before, during, and after the 6 week long season. 10 minutes after arriving at John’s home, simple motion tests had indicated that he had an Ilial Upslip. 20 minutes of Direct Glide, a glacially slow glide, John was out of pain, and could bend over and pick up a pencil off the floor … for the first time in 3 years. He needed 3 additional soft tissue treatments to stabilize hid pelvis and low back. John is a Happy Camper, indeed

Everything about who we are in the world is rooted in our bodies. Now you can work with a manual therapist whose broad skills help you overcome a range of physical concerns to achieve a better experience in every aspect of daily life: physical, mental, and spiritual. If you want  breakthroughs in any kind of performance, or if you seek an elusive health solution, relief from what ails you may be only a phone call away. There are good reasons why many professional and Olympic athletes decide to "get Rolfed" with an Advanced Rolfer, even to begin the Basic Ten Session Series.

My curiosity about healing clearly benefits you as my client.

Physical therapeutic modalities have fascinated me ever since I began my own Rolfing Structural Integration as a client in the mid-'90s. I completed practitioner training at Rolf Institute and was Certified in 1995. Ever since then, I have continually practiced applying the power of Rolfing® to heal the body and improve human performance. With much practical experience and the Advanced Training at Rolf Institute, I achieved the status of Certified Advanced Rolfer. In 2002, I began my studies at the Canadian College of Osteopathy, Vancouver. 18 years later, I’m still studying. There is lots to learn.

Manual therapists take advantage of tissue properties and our innate human self-righting tendency.

We remove negative patterns and re-organize the body into a more functional system. We tailor your sessions so they stimulate your desired enhancements -- such as chronic pain relief, better movement, relief from specific malfunctions or increased strength, speed, poise, stamina and grace in all physical activity. Your results depend upon your focus and your receptiveness as well as the skill and experience 

Manual therapies are natural healing methods that produce profound and lasting results.

These hands-on modalities evoke healthy body responses through physical energy inputs. Various modes have existed for centuries, the most ancient probably being massage. Osteopathy and Rolfing® are more modern, more powerful forms based on sophisticated understanding of body structure and function.

The Osteopathic tradition is the root of Rolfing. Rather than following a disease model, Osteopathic philosophy teaches us to find the health in each client and to promote it. I've thoroughly learned the practice of Osteopathic Manual Therapy as I continue my training at the Canadian College of Osteopathy to become a DOMP (Diplomate of Osteopathy Manual Practice). Now I'm finishing the academic requirements including my Thesis. Osteopathic Style work adds considerable breadth, depth, and power. We could begin with the Basic Ten Sessions or, if you have already received the Basic Ten, this combined approach can take you to a whole new level: it is the logical next step. When you work with me, you benefit from deeper insights integrated with your Rolfing at all levels.

I've also mastered additional compatible skills that augment the work you receive, when needed: visceral manipulation, nerve manipulation, and cranio-sacral therapy. With a thorough assessment, the program I design specifically for you is a unified enhancement based on an optimum mix of practices, with emphasis where you need it, to assist your personal improvement.

Find out more without obligation.

CLICK "CONTACT" in the navigation bar to email me and I'll connect with you within a day or two. If your need is urgent, you can request a fast response. Or simply phone me at:

(425) 424-9349

You have to experience manual therapy to understand it.  You need at least one session to see what it's like to work with me and to perceive how your body responds.

-- Misha Noonan,

Advanced Rolfer and Osteopathic Manual Therapist